Let me explain.Kenichi's family has had some bad luck with fingers and hands.My FIL,Yuji,lost 2 fingers on his left hand a couple of years ago in a horrible way(they got caught in a machine and had to be amputated) and soon after that he tripped over,got a piece of bamboo stuck in the thumb of his right hand.Despite a hospital trip,a few bits of the bamboo reminded in his thumb,got infected and then the whole hand blew up.He had bits of the gangrened(spelling??!) thumb removed and at one point we heard that his entire hand was in jeopardy.Nasty incident.And he was in hospital for ages.
Then,my BIL,Shinji,got his hand caught in a fish packing machine.That is all I shall say about the matter .He left that job and his hand recovered but still has the scars.
Kenichi managed to slash his hand open(no stiches needed which still stuns me) when he was cutting a rope here at home.
And hey,now I am a fully fledged member.Woo Hoo!Last night,I was slicing up spring onions in earnest and ...well......don't want to go into details but let us just say that SHIT,I lost a bit of my left digit finger plus nail and will be "deformed" for life in the finger department.It was horrible.The blood flow stopped sometime during the night and I am ,at last,24 hours later,out of pain.Isn't that great??!!
But my god,I am so in awe of those Yakuza boys who chop off their little fingers for the gang.And actually think I know what type of knife they must use....................