July 20, 2008

Sunday morning.

It's coming up to 7am and the inside temperature is already hitting 30C .It's going to be another scorcher methinks.Annie is still fast asleep and has been since 6pm last night;at daycare they still give them afternoon naps so she only settles down at 9 or 10 pm but over the weekend,no time to nap baby! And we get our evening s back.It's a lovely compromise as during the week,we can all eat our evening meal together and Kenichi gets to have a bath/shower with her and we can all chill out together.

Anyway,2nd lot of washing is spinning away in the washing machine but have just realised that I probably don't have enough space to put everything out so am hoping that the first lot will be dry within an hour.Yesterday,we got out all of Annie's old clothes and bloody hell,she has a wardrobe to be proud of.TG we are having another girl and indeed,I think we might be trying for a few more after this one to get full wear out of the stacks of stuff,although would be buggered up royally if we had a boy.So I will be spending some of my day sweating it out and trying to sort out the clothes into piles that make sense(very confusing as Annie was a winter baby so some of her stuff will be too hot but then I have to work out what will be OK for Baby No-name and what will be out of season and to confuse matters have the British/American easy to work out sizes done in months compared to the Japanese size system which is done by length and I can't remember how old babies are when they are 70 cm,and if you think this explanation is confusing,you try the actually sorting). Then I will be doing some vegetable cooking as my PIL brought around a pile of fresh veggies again last night.They are great and I appreciate them more and more as hell,we don't have to buy rice all year round(a BIG plus in Japan) nor vegetables.And FIL even caught us a big old octopus the other day(which was yummy in a vinegared dressing with cucumbers although Annie refuses to eat octopus as she was traumatised by an incident I had with one last year which is another blog entry sometime).And he also brings freshly caught fish a few times a week.So that's my day.

Kenichi is off at 8am to join a neighbourhood fishing trip for the younger men .He will not actually be fishing as they are going out on a couple of boats and he gets seasick(even though there is seriously no wind ,so go figure) but will stay behind with the other weak stomached men to tidy up and weed and cut the grass in our neighbourhood "park" which is pretty small but lots of trees and a loo so perfect for parties.After the fishing fleet return,all the families have been invited for a BBQ lunch to eat the fish(so hopefully they will catch enough ,if not,the local fish mongers will be rubbing their hands in glee).Kenichi will be taking Annie along but I think I will be staying out to put my feet up .Then Kenichi has promised Annie that we will go to the beach in the afternoon.But as beer is on tap at the BBQ I seriously doubt this will happen and foresee that I will be stuck with a howling Annie,devastated that the beach trip looks like being a sleep fest instead and will take her to the beach by myself and spend a couple of hours chasing after her.But I will go to the town beach this time and there will be people we know there who can spare me the indignity of waddling around in the heat.

So that will be our day.And on that note,off to empty the washing machine and try and sort out what to do with it all.And I thought Sundays were supposed to be days of rest.


Blogger Sara said...

Sounds like a great plan for the day!! I envy you for living so near the beach!!

There is a beach here in Kobe but it is very dirty and filled with bikini clad high school and college students!

Good job for getting all the baby clothes organized!! Not bad for a hot summers day right!

9:38 am  

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