November 20, 2006

Small Talk

On Sunday,our town held a country fair.Although I was not feeling too wonderful(see previous post for all the boring and whinging details;-)) but had arranged to meet up with a couple of friends and their children.So off I went with Annie(Kenichi was working both days there as it is run by the town hall staff but hey,he gets paid!)but the nearest car park was about 3/4 of a km away.Couldn't be helped and Annie was a star and walked all the way to the fair ground itself.Which took half a bloody hour because she wanted to pick up and throw every damn stone she came across.Arghh!

We had a really good time despite the fact that I had to rush to the loo every half hour but all in all,a lovely morning.Annie had a ball with her little friends playing in the children's area with things to climb up,over,under and through.After a good few hours,it was time to go home.So,we started in the long walk back to the car.

Annie did really well at first but after a while started dragging her feet.I encouraged her to walk as I was feeling a little green around the gills at this point.On we soldiered until Annie did that"I refuse to walk one step further and look how I can drag my feet behind me" thing and collapsed her legs.So,I picked her.And boy,although she is only just over 11kg,she weighed a ton that day!We only had a little way to go but it seemd like forever.It was then that Annie looked at me with her eyes open wide,cocked her little head and said ,"Mummy,Annie's tired".Oh,my heart just melted.And then she added the piece de resistance...patting my cheek in that rather heavy handed way that toddlers have she added "Mummy's tired too". All of a sudden,the carpark seemed so much closer.


Blogger Gina said...

She said she was tired and you were tired as well! What a sweet girl she truly is! The cute words she said, were just adorable! My heart woulda melted too!Poor girl, and with her being sick recently and all. : )

Btw, I love her hat in the bottom picture and I *love* the close up pic of her eating the ice!

9:24 am  

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