October 21, 2006

Picture this

Scene 1.

The supermarket.A harressed mother runs after her toddler.The said toddler is being chased by an equally harressed father trying to stop the running child before it's too late.Crash.Too late.Looks of horror from nearby shoppers,the shop assistants and the parents.But,thank goodness the two big bottles of vinegar don't break.The toddler screeches with delight and runs off to find something else to grab from the shelves.

Scene 2.

The resturant.A family arrive and sit down.Well,the parents sit down but the child refuses.After a few stern words the child starts to protest...LOUDLY.The parents give up and let the child down.The child is delighted and tries to dash to the other tables to grab the condiments but is stopped and told to behave.The child starts chanting for rice...LOUDLY.The parents order quickly and the food arrives just before the child is about to have a full-blown tantrum.Peace at last.

Scene 3.

The Swimming Pool.Not a busy day and the regulars are contently swimming up and down in a quiet fashion.Then in comes the toddler,screaming with delight, and shatters the peaceful enviroment.The toddler is followed by a stressed father trying to get the child to keep on the swimming cap which is obligatory in all pools.The toddler refuses yet again and the father gives up.The father takes the child to the baby pool.But no.This babe wants none of that.The child makes a break for the main pool and runs to the edge of the pool and just drops into the water.Thank goodness the childs mother is ready and waiting to catch the child.The child scrambles up and rushes off to leap into the water again.And again.And again.The other swimmers look on in disbelief as the child continues to throw itself over the edge of the pool.The mother is kept busy swimming around ready to catch the little torpedo.But after a while,it is time to leave.The toddler has to be carried away kicking and screaming.The parents apologise to the nearest swimmers.The swimmers smile kindly and,no doubt, with relief.


So,we have 3 scenarios.What a horrible child.And what is the problem with parents who cannot control their children??Is it so difficult to ask parents to have some control over their children when they go out in public?Surely a young child will listen to his or her parents?If not,the problem most definetly lies with the parents...

Yep,that is what I would have thought 2 years ago.But now? You've gussed it....Annie is indeed "the toddler".Eeeek..............!!!!


Blogger Perogyo said...

I can't wait until it's my turn!

10:39 pm  
Blogger Gina said...

I love it, spoken like a true mom! That restaurant scenario happened with me for both my boys many times. Branden used to do the same, but outgrew that years ago, thank goodness (but then he's older). But Noah, he goes through that sometimes too.

I think I am one of Annie's biggest fans, I find her so absolutely charming! Rocks in her sun hat? Ha ha ha! Eating dirt? You know, Noah likes to suck on rocks! Rocks! Ahhhh! Dirt drool all over his face and whatnot!

Annie, we love you, exactly the way that you are! You go get em' : )

By the way,fwiw, when Branden was 2. He saw a very life like mannequin. He was looking at it and looking at it. Noboru and I were discussing something we were thinking of buying or whatnot. We turned our heads for 1 second. And he wanted to feel the hand of the mannequin. Not to tear it down or anything, just feel if it was real skin or not. The hand came right off! Ha ha ha! So there were Noboru and I trying to reattach, said mannequin hand back on. It easily came back on but, sheesh! I remember stuff like that. It might not seem like it now, but they will outgrow stuff like that. : )

7:09 am  
Blogger WendyJI said...

I *totally understand* what you mean by the pre-parenthood/post-child game of opposites! Whew - I have had to eat crow numerous times for my unpleasant thoughts about rowdy, noisy children in public now that that rowdy, noisy child is my own son. Hang in there - they must eventually outgrow it. And yes, we race to order and get food too.

All the best,

11:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I love scene 3, what a fearless girl you have. I believe it will serve her well in life so keep the big picture in mind! At least that`s what I mumble to my self when it`s my fearless girl acting crazy. :)

2:37 pm  
Blogger Sheri said...

Ooooh, the toddler-taihen! I think for me the most trying time (so far!) was when the little mr. was 3 years old-he was good at pushing my buttons or I don"t what (still feel like we butt heads alot) but he can understand things so much better now-once I've explained something now he just kind of says 'oh, I see' rather than scream.
It'll get better? :)

9:37 pm  
Blogger Jones Brood said...

Glad you're back M!

Oh Annie sounds - well - just like you when you were a child!!! Hahah :-) No I don't think you were that genki although you eating cigarette butts springs to mind and sand...

Know how you must feel about having your hands quite full. All I can suggest is patience! :-) Supermarkets can be awful - took Dominic today but we get him to help as much as possible and bribe him if necessary at all times. The tantrums are horrid though - what works with D is if I say he'll have to go somewhere by himself and stay until he stops crying or reward him with a cuddle/something if he stops that sobers him up usually. They do grow out of it getting better around 2 1/2 and then 3 apparently is the golden age - oh joy: can't wait. Dominic is SO negative at the mo everything is "no I don't want to"... ARGHHHHHHH

Can't wait to see Annie in summer - I think she and D will probably clash head on - will be very good for D though. Especially the fearless throwing herself in the pool - loved that !


5:09 am  
Blogger Jones Brood said...

I think I siad that thing about you eating ciggie butts before - sorry - mind has GOOOOOOONE...
help me! :-)

6:42 am  

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