Back with a vengance
Back to the Blog after a rather busy start to Speptmeber which saw Annie in hospital with a suspected case of viral meningitis.All is well now and she is back to her usual happy little self.Except that she has discovered,since her hospital stay, how to get lie and get attention at the same time.She suddenly realised that if she starts yelling "Ouch ,ouch"( or the Japanese version of "Itai,itai") she gets attention at once.Not so good when we are out and about and she suddenly starts yelling ""Mummy,ouch,OUCH" for no reason whatsoever.And as soon as she sees her pediatrician now,she does the "Ouch" thing again and then for some odd reason,shows him her tummy or her bum........LIAR!!!!
So,apart from the worry we had with Annie and now a very very busy time at work approaching for me,life is good.And it is now cooler here so no more AC so we don't have to go into hiding when the electricity bill comes anymore.Cool mornings and evenings and lovely and warm days with blue skies and sunshine.I love autumn in Japan.