September 16, 2008

All is quiet.

Thank you so much for the wonderful comments on my last post.I do apologise for being such an old misery guts but that's how it is! I know that the baby will come out when she is good and ready(or else we both go through the "joys" of induction together;) ) and that this is the calm before the storm and I should just sit back and enjoy the peace and quiet but even so,I still hate the wait.

I was thinking about it again last night and think that what gets to me most is saying goodbye to Annie each morning at daycare and not knowing if I will see her later on or not.And knowing that even though we have prepared her as much as possible for the birth ,that she is going to be pretty upset when I am suddenly not there.As my mum said the other day,one spends a lot of time worrying about the older kid(s) in this situation which makes it more stressful.I have had to leave Annie before for a couple of weeks; when dad was dying I went back to the UK see him alone without Annie.It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and it still upsets me to think about it (but I will never regret having made that trip!).She was just 2 at that time and in some ways it was easier as she didn't really understand what was going on.This time,she knows I will be gone for a week and on bad days it upsets her.The other day she said that she wants to come and sleep with me in the clinic.She cried and cried when I told her that she and Kenichi will be sleeping at home.

Anyway,enough emotional talk as it does me no good! I went for my check-up this morning and the good news is that the baby is still head down.Yesterday,after a few tough days of lower pain and trouble with walking,the pain and pressure suddenly eased and she was really active again so I half wondered if she had flipped up again.The doctor said it was quite possible but that she is down again TG.He was talking about starting to induce me if my body was getting ready but after an internal,he said that everything was still shut if you KWIM;) So no induction and we will leave her there for another week.

In the meantime,a bloody great typhoon is slowly moving this way just to add to the fun of things.The slow ones are nasty as they are with you for longer.It keeps changing it's course so hard to say if we will be on the direct path or not.As Kenichi is in charge of bad weather,typhoon and earthquake damage and patrols at work,we are very much hoping that the damn thing will not mean that he is called out when I need him most.Oh ,we do live exciting lives,don't we;)

Oh,and for the FWC girls,I hope one of you hits the jackpot.I have managed to disappoint quite a few so far but I am sure I will be forgiven at some point;)


Blogger illahee said...

*big hugs* well, just remember my birthday is on saturday and the typhoon should be gone by then. ;)

6:21 pm  
Blogger Nay said...

I can understand how much you would want to meet your daughter!!! Being able to hold your little girl finally after 9 months would just be a dream come true!

Im sure Annie will cope while you are in hospital. She's with her daddy and can come and visit you, right? It will be difficult for the both of you though, I know!! But once she gets to meet her little baby sister I'm sure she will be fine!

Good luck, and although I haven't joined in with the 'guess the date' competition, I am eagerly waiting to meet your little baby girl!

7:28 pm  
Blogger Jones Brood said...

Do try and avoid induction - put it this way I'd rather have a c-section again than have to be induced. If it must be so then well and good, but it is not pleasant. When your little gosling is cooked she will let you know...! Hang in there sis! She WILL come out!

5:50 am  

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